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Our Course Catalogue

Every organization has unique challenges and goals, and your leadership training should reflect that. Our course catalogue offers a range of workshops and online training designed to enhance leadership, communication, teamwork, client service, and sales performance. With flexible delivery options and customizable content, we ensure your team gets the most relevant, results-driven training experience.


Explore our offerings and build a leadership training experience that works for your team. Browse the catalogue today!

Course Title and Overview Learn More
Agile EQ

In this course, participants learn how to read the emotional and interpersonal needs of a situation and respond accordingly.

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In this course, participants – ideally in a people management role – learn how to successfully engage, motivate, and develop their people, whether they are side-by-side in an office setting or at a distance in remote work contexts.

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Productive Conflict

In this course, participants learn how to harness the power of conflict through increased self-awareness around conflict behaviours. This learning foundation supports individuals to more effectively respond to the uncomfortable and unavoidable challenges of workplace conflict.

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In this course, participants learn how to successfully create customer-centric interactions that improve results. Further, participants learn how to stretch beyond their natural sales style to adapt to their customers’ preferences and expectations more effectively.

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Work of Leaders

In this course, participants make the connection between the Everything DiSC® style and real-world leadership demands. This supports individuals in building an actionable path towards more effective leadership.

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In this course, participants learn how to understand themselves and others, while learning to appreciate the different behavioural preferences and tendencies each person brings to the workplace.

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Course Title and Overview Learn More
The Five Behaviors Personal Development

This learning experience assesses an individual’s approach to teamwork, provides personalized insights on how to better work with others, and teaches participants the critical behaviours and interpersonal skills needed to be an effective team member.

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The Five Behaviors Team Development

This learning experience assesses as intact team’s approach to teamwork; and helps team members better understand themselves and the personalities on their team so they can effectively achieve their goals.

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Course Title and Overview Learn More
Change Management

This course involves an exploration of resistance to change; and how to successfully navigate an organization’s achievement of effective transformation in change activities.

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Enhanced Productivity and Time Management

Participants are offered several time management techniques as well as the practices of planning, priority-setting, scheduling, and implementation. Participants will further learn how to build their own personal productivity and time management program.

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Fundamentals of Effective Business Planning

In this learning experience, participants will explore tools to create effective approaches to building, implementing, and evaluating business plans; in service of the key principles of Vision, Alignment, and Execution.

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Indispensable Accountability

Participants will learn practical tips to take initiative in exceeding expectations. This includes discussion about the important distinction between being irreplaceable and indispensable.

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Managing Teams

This course is designed to help people leaders learn the fundamentals of effective team management using a variety of tools, including approaches to decision-making, conflict resolution, meeting leadership, and measuring/rewarding team success.

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Project Management

Participants will learn how to successfully apply process, skills, knowledge, and experience to deliver projects of value which meet stakeholder expectations and requirements.

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Remarkable Customer Service

This course is designed to help teams orient themselves to “above and beyond” customer service; an understanding of return-on-service investment; the importance of setting service standards; and key concepts of communication and teamwork in the context of hospitality.

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Skillful Collaboration

This learning experience increases participants’ ability to understand when collaboration is an effective and beneficial approach; and the fundamentals of effective communication and networking building

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X5 Management is proud to partner with the Canadian Diversity Institute to present four online, “learn at your own pace” modules to introduce key concepts of diversity, equity, and inclusion to the modern workforce.

Course Title and Overview Learn More
Respect and Inclusion in the Workplace

In this module, participants learn how to identify situations involving discrimination, harassment, or bullying, and how to respond appropriately.

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Canadian Indigenous Culture Training – Truth and Reconciliation

In this module, participants gain an understanding of the Indigenous perspective on key issues in Canada.

Unconscious Bias in the Workplace

In this module, participants learn the common types of unconscious bias, their negative impacts on individuals and organizations; and receive practical mitigation tips.

LGBTQ2+ Diversity and Inclusion Training for Workplaces

In this module, participants learn about the history, current issues, and terminology associated with LGBTQ2+ identities; as well as workplace challenges faced by LGBTQ2+ individuals.

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