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Building Effective Teams

Even experienced teams can benefit from training which helps to refresh and augment skills they have already developed. X5 Management regularly works with teams at various levels of organizations’ hierarchy to help them work together more effectively.


X5 Management will help you to design a customized training package to support you in Building Effective Teams.

Alignment of team members is key to business success! Are your teams communicating effectively? Do you have a defined strategy for succession management and further development of existing team members? Employee retention is directly related to the relationship and respect that they have for their leader. X5 Management can support the achievement of organizational goals through the development of effective teams.

Our “Building Effective Teams” training packages utilize The Five Behaviors™ program.  This learning experience empowers teams to rethink their approach to teamwork and shape new behaviours which will take teams and the organization to the next level.  Depending on existing skill sets of your team members, we will recommend other courses to maximize learning outcomes and long-term organizational impact.  Browse all of the options through our on-line Course Catalogue.

Not finance. Not strategy. Not technology. It is teamwork that remains the ultimate competitive advantage, both because it is so powerful and so rare.

-Patrick Lencioni

As an award-winning Authorized Partner of The Five Behaviors™ program, X5 Management works with teams to help them gain alignment in the five areas of The Five Behaviors model: Trust, Conflict, Commitment, Accountability and Results.

Developed with The New York Times best-selling author Patrick Lencioni, The Five Behaviors™ has become the industry-leading workplace training program proven to deliver business results.

Organizations that embrace this program see increased team collaboration, heightened customer service, improved reputation, and many more tangible benefits.

Watch the overview video of The Five Behaviors™ program

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