Mike Mack is a sought-after Leadership Coach, Consultant, Trainer, and Facilitator. He has been helping business teams maximize their potential since 2006 with the use of tailored consulting and training programs, along with coaching advice. For Mike, it’s about trusted collaboration with his customers. He is passionate about helping organizations increase their customer satisfaction, imporve employer retention, and achieve profitable growth. He supports business in the areas of: Customer Service, Sales Growth, Team Building, Leadership Development and Strategic Planning.
He is a three-time Amazon bestselling author: REMARKABLE SERVICE – How to Keep Your Doors Open; RELATIONSHIPS FOR KEEPS – How to Build Powerful Relationships in Business and in Life, along with his latest book, LUNCH WITH LEADERS – Real Stories of Pivotal Moments for Today’s Executive, which was published in January 2024.
Mike and his colleague, Kris Schinke, have collaborated to launch a new book published in October of 2023; HOW TO STOP THE REVOLVING DOOR – 5 Strategies that will positively Impact your employees and business results.
Mike holds an MBA from Athabasca University and completed the Governance Program for Small & Medium-sized Enterprises at the University of Alberta School of Business. He is a member of the International Coaching Federation; Edmonton’s Synergy Network, serving as Chair in 2016; the Association for Corporate Growth, serving as President for the Edmonton chapter in 2018-19; and the Institute of Corporate Directors. He currently serves on the Board of the Foundation for the Advancement of Entrepreneurship. Mike is a past member of Toastmasters International, where he obtained his Distinguished Toastmasters Designation (DTM). The DTM is the highest award Toastmasters International bestows and was established to recognize a superior level of achievement in both communication and leadership. In addition, Mike is a member of the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers; as well as a National TEC Canada Speaker and eSpeakers Certified Virtual Presenter. He is a Past-President of the Edmonton Mayfield Rotary Club and a Certified Trainer for Everything DiSC®.